Poetry and Words

More  about   poetry  and  words.  To really enter into words you enter into the life of those words.  You can embody the words.  They are no longer rocks, dead weight of the bla bla word.  But jewels with interior structures and beauty and meaning.  I have communicated exactly what I wish to communicate in exactly the way I wish to communicate. Clarity beauty expansiveness. Aliveness.  Words hold aliveness in them.  They are living creatures with a life all their own.

The sounds in the words and the music…the words work on your intuitive sense about language. Because sometimes poetry is not comprehensible on the surface, its only comprehensible under the surface. Its only comp[rehensible in an intuitive place, because of the way the words are connected to each other.  This takes time. One needs the courage to say I don’t understand and keep reading the same poem or the same line until the line begins to reveal itself. and maybe you can’t even verbalize what it means. That intuitive sense of what the words mens, what t line of poetry means starts to work on you and it teaches you to trust yourself with language. its heightens your sense of language andin heightening your sense of language you begin to trust yoursel more with language

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