Let’s continue with poetry

Let’s  continue  with  Poetry.

And  not from your intellect.  The poetry can inform you; it can  sink into your cement.  You can  sense words and their ability more fully when  you get use  to using  poetry.  You sense the power of the words and the weight of them and the lushness of them.  You are more conscious in an unconscious way.  Words are more alive and you can  achieve a new power, an eloquence.  The substance and the fabric of words  might  take  on  a new  light.

The idea of finding the ‘right words’ will have another meaning altogether.  You wont be drowning in your correctness of finding the ‘right word’ but the right word will bubble up in you and emerge from quite a different set of circumstances.  From a connection the the ‘right word’ not just a ‘thought’ of what would be right.  The real meaning of words will take shape for you.

It wont be just another blah blah, another muscle to throw out, another phrase to ‘push the idea home’’.  See?

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