Language and Emotional Life

When G. came in today she was jittery, While using the ‘rolley’ a bioenergetic tool that promotes breathing by rolling, she told me she had been crying ‘for no reason’ for the past few days. Then, off of the rolley, walking around my studio, G. started shaking her arms and legs and was getting angrier and angrier. Finally, she screamed a scream that was so heartfelt and so full of sorrow and heartbreak, she began crying. I witnessed. I didnt say a word.

Though Italian is not G’s first language, it is the language that fills her up and fills her voice with warmth and music. As G.was settling down, blowing her nose and breathing, I began to ask her questions and asking for her answers in Italian. The openness created by crying was enhanced by Italian. A new fluidity was present. And she looked so clear.

She is unusual. She will go the distance to own her emotional life. She wants to change the places in her that are stuck and that are keeping her voice and writing and acting less than she knows she is capable of. Less than the fantasy of complete acceptance. Yes, she is having a remarkable journey full of courage and will and accomplishment.

posted with permission

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