How Do You Find The Power In The Voice?


To find the power in your voice, we start by looking for it in the breath. The breath is the road to the unconscious and the imagination. Breathe while you’re speaking. If you’re not breathing while you’re speaking, you’re cutting off your self and you’re cutting off your sound. The breath is also the connection to your emotions. When we’re alive with our voice our spirit comes out of us and moves us and everyone around us. 

You need a daily practice that allows you to feel where the breath is and where it isn’t. You might be holding it in your throat, for instance, or you may lock your jaw, or lock your tongue.

We start with the breathing then work on language because the sound of your voice needs to get clarified in order to bring out the beauty, bring out the strength, the power. Many people are very frightened of their own power and the voice means to stand up and say, “This is who I am. This is how I talk about it.” To mean what you say and say what you mean is very scary for many people.

For ten minutes today, sit with good posture and begin to do three-part breathing. Breath into your belly, then your rib cage and lungs, and finally, into your upper back and chest. Relax into a feeling of calm and ease, Devoid of tension. Do this until you’ve cleared your mind. Are you feeling stronger, clearer or more confident now? Bring language to this by saying your name out loud. “I am Lynn. I am Lynn. I AM LYNN.” 

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