Feel the music of poetry

I am  still thinking  about  poetry:

Feeling the spaces between the words.

Poetry expresses the inexpressible.

What do we get from words? what do we get from the sounds in words.

We receive information about words from the sounds in the word as well as their meaning.  The music of words of language sets up a whole other set of experiences for us. Mood and intent..feelings.

What the poet’s know:    A heightened sense of language, musicality, power of words, how sound in words convey meaning and how words can give  ‘unseen things” a name. We can learn to use the exact word needed to commincate.

Stretching our experience with language is  about understanding how words operate.  What incredible creatures they are, and how they work in association with each other.

Stretching our experience with language means recognizing that we experience word viscerally, in our gut, through  the  whole  body even, not just intellectually.

When we communicate to someone verbally we THINK we are being rational and logical but we are actually communicating a vast internet of impulses and responses way beyond the intellectual meaning of the words. And that vast internet is what we need to confront own and use.

Stretching your experience with sounds and words allows new associations to develop,  new  brain cells!  strengthing your ability to communicate.

Say what you mean, mean what you say.

The magic of words.

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