Do this visualization

Would  you do  a  simple  visualization?   Sit  back  and  breathe  and imagine  your voice  to be fully in your  entire  body.

As if each time you breathed  a  sound  would move  through your  body.  A  beautiful  sound,  like  heaven,  angelic,  your voice.  And  then the sound  begins  to grow,  and is  expanding  as  is your sense of your self.    You are growing  bigger  as your voice inside  you is  growing  bigger.  and  bigger.  Your  voice,  your  sound  is  growing  as large  as your  house,  then as large  as your  street,  then as  large  as your city until  it  is growing so big  that it is moving  into  the universe.

Who would  you  be??  How would it  feel to have  a  voice with great  beauty  moves into the entire universe??

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