Definition of poetry

Definition of poetry  webster’s.  writing that formulates a concentrated imaginativeawareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning , sound and rhythm.

What is poetry?  A poet uses sounds and imagery.  A poet uses words, imagery, sounds and rhythm and melody to create. What is it that a poet creates?  Why is it better to ask “Shall I compare thee to a summers day” instead of saying “I love you  I love you I love you. What the poet does is evocative.  If the poet is a poet each word or phrase will express something intangible something that fills up the air with the inexpressible something that is beyond the literal meaning of the words.

In reading the poets you will encounter people with a heightened sense of language and how language communicates at its most compacted.  And by entering into these poets, these poems, you will be given some of that heightened magical sense of language. Your intuitive sense of language will awaken. Your sense of the sounds that make up words will change. The feeling of the word in your mouth and in your core will change and you will be in front of your audience and you are ‘informed’ by this poetry.  And someone then comes up to you and says to you that you were eloquent today.

Whats different.  You are more aware of what you really want to day, how you said it and HOW MUCH OF YOU WAS REALLY IN IT.  Not pushing but breathing it.

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