Day 7 Lynn’s ijournal BiB

Well, please forgive the neglect. After many weeks of work to to bring my book, Breaking into Brilliance, to a new level, I fell into the woodwork. Of corse the extreme cold in nyc helped the hibernation.

So you can see n 8 page demo of BiB, animated and voiced by yours truly. 2 videos, a book proposal, a cover letter and a new website! Please visit and please REGISTER. many goodies!

Just as helped people find the beauty and power of their speaking voice, Breaking into Brilliance is designed to help them find the strength and beauty of their
inner VOICe. The big voice V!!

The ‘Questions are the Curriculum". Like “what am I doing here” and ‘I am not happy and I dont know how to change it!“ or ‘This is not the life I dreamed about. and I dont
dont know how to get that and I am not sure I believe I can have it!”

We all have heard these moans! Its time to find the bridge between the old world
and the new! And we can!

I am really excited about this. and having a new life! Stay tuned.

all Wishes,


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