Beauty, Power and Eloquence

To mean what you say and say what you mean is very scary for many people. Connecting to your voice allows you to connect more fully to who you are and to the power and beauty of language. Many people are very afraid of their own power and the voice means to stand up and say, “This is who I am. This is how I talk about it.” Most people cover up their voice by pulling back and becoming very high or very low; they strangulate themselves in the way in which they use their voice. If as you are talking you are not breathing, you are cutting off your own life force and so the words become very hallow. When you breathe in you take the world in, when you breath out you give yourself out and if you breathe out through your voice and language then you are really giving yourself to the world. Otherwise, it is very menial. It stays in your throat and mind. Speaking is always about moving out. You have got to move your words to the listener; you can’t keep them with you. The voice is more powerful than anything else we have. It can transform us and transform how we are in the world and how we are with each other. When you discover the power of your voice it changes you; you change who you are when you discover the power of what you have.

What do you suspect you have? Tell me, even if it is just a hunch.

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